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PGx stands for Pharmacogenomics, which is the study of how a person’s genetic makeup (their genes) affects their response to medications. It combines the fields of pharmacology (the study of drugs) and genomics (the study of genes and their functions) to understand how genetic variations can influence an individual’s reactions to different drugs.

Pharmacogenomics aims to tailor medical treatments and drug prescriptions to an individual’s genetic profile, improving the effectiveness and safety of medications. By analyzing a person’s genetic information, healthcare providers can predict how certain drugs will be metabolized in their body, how effective they might be, and whether there’s a higher risk of adverse reactions.

For example, some individuals may metabolize a certain medication more quickly, making it less effective for them, while others might metabolize it slowly, leading to potential toxicity. By understanding these genetic differences, healthcare professionals can make more informed decisions about medication choices and dosages.

PGX testing has the potential to optimize medication selection and dosing, reduce trial and error in finding the right treatment, and minimize the risk of adverse drug reactions. It’s a promising field that aims to make healthcare more personalized and precise.